Sunday, April 24, 2011
Friday, April 22, 2011
Easter Resurrection Eggs
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Holy Week
During this special week, spend a lot of quiet time with the Lord and let His presence fill you with love and peace. Think about His commitment and loyalty to you by shedding His blood for your sins. We are new people in Christ, pure and clean before Him. Remove old thoughts of insecurity and frustration with yourself. Christ died so that you may have abundant life ,and it all starts with knowing your identity in Christ. Stop trying to change yourself. Christ accepts you and can you use you just as you are. You are His beloved. You have His favor. Your spouse and children are in His plan of emotional freedom, spiritual peace, physical healing, healthy relationships and blessing others. Praise Him this week. Dare to step out in faith like you've never stepped out before and believe that God totally and completely loves you.
Posted by Titus2Women at 9:35 AM
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Let's Play!
It seems like we let our kids play all the time. From the moment they wake up, they are playing! They are always excited to play. Yet, how many minutes or hours do we, as parents, get down on eye level and fully interactively play with our kids? It's much easier to just sit and watch and say, "be careful!" or " that's very good!" However, participating in activity with your children shows that you care, that they have value. The most important people in your children's lives are you. Let them do what they love best with the people they love most. Speak their love language. Their emotional IQ will increase, and they will be more confident and secure in themselves.
Posted by Titus2Women at 4:29 PM
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Daily Reminders of God's Love
Sticky notes and white boards and calenders are constant reminders of our to-do list. Our memory is not always perfect. In the same way, our children need constant reminders of the image and qualities of God on a dally basis. about His love, beauty and kindness. Repeating
Posted by Titus2Women at 5:19 AM
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Appreciating Differences
"Do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord." Ephesians 6:4 It's always good to remember that there are differences in your children. One might not show love the same way the other child does. Pray for discernment to understand your children's unique personality traits, communication styles and love language.
Posted by Titus2Women at 12:23 PM
Looking Past the Now
(Excerpt from HomeWord Daily Devotional April 12, 2011)
Here is my servant whom I have chosen, the one I love, in whom I delight; I will put my Spirit on him, and he will proclaim justice to the nations. He will not quarrel or cry out; no one will hear his voice in the streets. A bruised reed he will not break, and a smoldering wick he will not snuff out, till he leads justice to victory. In his name the nations will put their hope. Matthew 12:18-21 ![]() |
Life’s not fair. I’ve heard that phrase since I was a kid. Honestly, I don’t like it anymore now than I did then. Truth be told, the phrase is legitimate. Life, flat-out stinks some times. It’s not fair and it’s not easy. A painful breakup, a lost loved one, a phone call reporting cancer, losing a job or not getting a promotion at work, difficulty with the kids, financial strain…you name it, we have all struggled. Life isn’t easy for any of us. In college, I watched two friends on the football team struggle with injuries. One of them had chronic problems with his feet, wincing in pain with each step he took. The other blew out both of his knees within a year of each other. The difference between them: one is a Christian and one was not. One had hope, and one did not. One knew that football was temporary and did not define him; the other did not. As Christians, we can look past the now. God sent His Son, Jesus, as the Servant who, by His death and resurrection, makes all of the difference for us. It is He Who will bring justice and mercy. It is He Who is the hope of the world. What a gift we have in Jesus! Through Him, hope motivates us to store up treasure in heaven, not treasures on earth. Through Him, we have the promise that God works for the good of those who believe. (Romans 8:28) Through Him, we have the hope that this life – with all of its struggles – is just our temporary home before moving onto the glorious eternity with our Father in heaven. Life will present us all with seasons of challenge, but when the bad news and difficult times come, as a Christian, you can rely on hope. This is the hope that helps us look past the now and focus on Christ’s presence with us, and our future treasures in heaven. |
Posted by Titus2Women at 6:58 AM
Labels: inspiration, truth
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Neat Book/Story Sites
Totally Transformed
Posted by Titus2Women at 2:57 PM
Labels: inspiration, Music, parenting, truth
Monday, April 4, 2011
Easter Story Eggs
~The source for this page is "15 Minutes-Family Traditions & Memories" by Emilie Barnes.~
What are Easter Story Eggs? How do I make them? What are they for anyway?
"To remind your family of the Easter story, prepare an Easter basket with 12 plastic eggs that can be opened. On the outside of the egg write a number (1-12) and fill with the corresponding message and Scripture (see chart below). Open one egg each day, starting 12 days before Easter. Read the message aloud to the family and look up the Scripture in the Bible. Pray together, thanking the Lord for that particular aspect of the crucifixion and resurrection."
Posted by Titus2Women at 9:27 PM
Labels: holidays, traditions
Prayer for Children
This prayer speaks to me especially when I'm having one of those days when I'm discouraged as a parent. God bless!
Posted by Titus2Women at 3:12 PM