Two highly recommended educational toys that have won multi-awards are Magna-Tiles and Wedgits. They encourage critical thinking and concentration. Magna-Tiles come in clear or standard colors and are fun for ages 3 and up. To find a store nearest you, go to the Magna-Tiles website by Valtech, and click on Store Locator.

There are Wee Wedgits for 1-3 year olds, Wedgits for 2-10 year olds, and Mini Wedget Building Blocks for 5-12 year olds. Cards are included with colorful configurations that will challenge your child. My son doesn't get tired of spending half an hour on them daily because there are so many fun designs for him to create. They're colorful and rewarding. Find it at Toys "R" Us,, or on the Wedgits website.