Feeding Time
I'm learning how to feed all over again...
It has only been about two years since I learned to feed my first child "real food", but it's amazing how you forget these things. I feel like I'm re-learning everything again.. although, I am definitely a lot less anxious about the whole process.
Feeding solids to a baby gets really messy (not just during feeding times... you moms know what I mean..) but it can also be a lot of fun! You just have to relax and go at your child's pace (they will use facial expressions to let you know what they like and don't like... also when they are full) and the most important thing is to watch for possible food allergies.
Here are some feeding time items that I absolutely love! They are great inventions AND investments! Fisher-Price Healthy Care Booster Seat:
Affordable ($26), easy to clean, you can just attach this on one your dining chairs (great for if you have a small dining space), and it's travel-friendly (folds up and it's VERY light). I use this on a daily basis and my kids love it, so it must be comfortable too.Baby Bjorn Soft Bib:
This is a catch-all bib (literally catches anything from water, yogurt, noodles, bread crumbs, you name it!). Probably not meant for babies but great for toddlers! Once again, super easy to clean and dishwasher friendly. You can find it at Target for $9.99.BARNSLING RAND Bib:
This I have not tried but have heard great things... From IKEA for only $3.99 (for 2 pack). I would imagine that this will for sure keep your child from getting covered in tomato sauce, popsicle, soup... anything that drips, splashes and stains.