Last year while we were home-shopping, we saw a few we liked but were afraid these houses did not have enough room for our kids to run around... I remember my very wise friend telling me, "Children DON'T CARE how much room there is in the house... ALL THEY CARE is that their Daddy and Mommy are happy."
This is SO true. Our children don't care about the size of the house (it looks ginormous to them anyway), or the clothes they wear (although they may be picky as to WHICH one to wear), or the things they have. If we are happy about the house, so are they. If we are thankful for the clothes we have, so will they. If we want our children to be content in whatever state they are in (Philippians 4:11), we have to live our lives accordingly.
Naturally, as mothers, we want to give our kids the world. But what they desire most is that we're happy and enjoyable. Thus, HAPPY MOM = HAPPY CHILD.
If there's anything that is stressing you out today or putting you in a frumpy mood, stop what you're doing and go play, laugh and enjoy your little ones (and let them enjoy YOU!).